Harry Potter and Times
This weekend started off with watching the first show of Harry Potter at midnight, but getting in line by 9:30! Still we couldn't make it in the first 200 people or we could have got free poster and better seats! but it was fun anyways. I remember the last premier show of Harry Potter in my freshman year on Ankit's b'day, and here I was, same place, same movie- Harry Potter, just 2 years past. I even remembered the T-shirt I had worn the last time- Banana Republic (the only one I have) and so I wore the same this time!! only that it was under my jacket and sweater (It was almost freezing.) It always amazes me how time is flying so fast!!
Me with Moody Eye and Hagrid!
Us in the Theatre Finally! and Ankit waiting anxiously for the Super Man Trailer which they never showed!
This Saturday was the ISA Diwali show. And I went to see it with Nicole, Kavita and Emily. I was joking with Nicole that some indian guys at the show will be jealous to see me with 3 girls that too 2 of them white! Ha! At times, I was the translater for Nicole and Emily about whats happening, hopefully they enjoyed! The show was boring except for parag's dance. We only got excited when Ankit came on stage for Param Band....which I think is really pathetic on stage! I always tell Ankit he doesn't fit in there with them! But none the less, he enjoys playing his guitar. And at the show, Radhika alone complimented me atleast 10 times about how good I looked! Other than her, Sonal and Deepa complimented me too. Thank you girls!
I think Me and Radhika can send some models a run for their money!
Later that night Ankit and me went to get Milk Shake from 'Steak 'n' Shake at 2:30 in the morning.....But ofcourse we forgot, we had the Michigan game that day and we won! yay for that, but High street was crowded and we ended up waiting 30 mins for a seat, we just went to UDF and got our milk shakes and then went to my place where we just talked. Like always, we jumped from topic to topic and before we even knew....It was 5 am!!! I tell you some one really needs to pull those reins on time!
Sunday was sleeping all day long!!! and preparing for next week and Thanks Giving Break!!
Later that night Ankit and me went to get Milk Shake from 'Steak 'n' Shake at 2:30 in the morning.....But ofcourse we forgot, we had the Michigan game that day and we won! yay for that, but High street was crowded and we ended up waiting 30 mins for a seat, we just went to UDF and got our milk shakes and then went to my place where we just talked. Like always, we jumped from topic to topic and before we even knew....It was 5 am!!! I tell you some one really needs to pull those reins on time!
Sunday was sleeping all day long!!! and preparing for next week and Thanks Giving Break!!
damn it...you beat me to putting up pictures from harry potter! now i have to think about what to post on my blog! :P
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