Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanks but no Thanks!

The car parks are empty. No soul seen walking on Lane Avenue. Restaurants are closed down. Even Donatos and Taco Bell that are opened all night have their closed sign upfront. Nope, no terrorist threats announced...This is the scene on campus on Thanks Giving day. I was horrified to see this in my freshman year. I didn't even know where I would go to eat! BUT I didn't had worry about it because Ashley had invited me to her house for thanks giving dinner at Cincinnati. It remains one of my best experiences since coming to OSU. I got to see an American family enjoying their Thanks giving dinner and I was part of it! Forward 2 years, and Ashley invited me again, more like I asked her if I could come! But this time she was having thanks giving dinner at her Aunt's place in Dublin, OH. And, again it was an good experience. I was amazed how organized the dinner was. Sooo many family members gathered at that house and soooo much food cooked, and ofcourse "the bird" coming out of the oven with a celebration.
My camera battery died, so I couldn't take many pictures, but I managed to take this one, my name nicely decorated and kept on the dinner table- guiding me where I am suppose to sit and yeah the bubbly champaign!
There was this confusion however; Ashley told me we had to leave by 5, because she had work at 6. I asked her, if it was Thanks giving 'Dinner' how would we manage to leave without relishing on the food? She said, the dinner is at 3:30 - 4 pm so it won't be a problem. Then it struck me- Americans eat their 'Dinner' at 4. That really is weird for me, when many a times it can be my first meal of the day! GOSH! thats early! One last thing I have to say about the thanks giving dinner; I find the turkey horrible in taste. It is absolutely bland. I had a hard time finishing it....I mean seriously, Americans and europeans need to learn how to use spices. Didn't the Europeans come to India for spices in the first place? What happened to that....your shipment was lost midway in Africa or something? haha....sorry, that really is a bad joke...even worse to be mentioned in Ankit's joke book! But I say this because Ankit, me and Emily finally went to Ethopean restaurant today that we had been planning since weeks now. And the food was really delicious. Absolutely loved it and highly recommend it.

A lot happened between that thanks giving dinner and the sunday dinner. We went shopping on 'Black friday' and I managed to get wireless router for $3.00 only!!! Movies, Sleeping, Ankit's mom's cooked food, movies, sleeping, food, talking, sleeping and the cycle went on!
I wish I could write what me and Ankit talked about but that would really take hours and most of it is sooo random that it would 'read' stupid but thats what the fun is when we talk- absolutly random!
And among all this I didn't get time to study as I had planned to.....and now I feel bad about my self for not even looking at my books :( thats y the no thanks in the title for the Thanks giving break! Oh well....Hope to study hard in the few days left for finals and hopefully I will have a happy ending to this quarter that I can share!


At 8:53 AM, February 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adip is decorated very nicely
waise adip is also very nice .....?


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