Tuesday, October 31, 2006

We Prevailed

People, we have won the war. The mission is accomplished.
Since the last 2 weeks there had been preempted and unprecedented attack in our apartment from Fruit Flies. They had strong hold in my room and the kitchen. Me and Ankit launched a continuous attack from the last 2 days. The strategy was to starve them to death and prevent more recruitment. Massive air power was used in the battle. The state –of-art vacuum cleaner was put in to strategic position to suck all the flies in and eventually killing them.

There have been few guerilla attacks but they were quickly defused with sheer hand power.

This is the moment of triumph and me and Ankit promise that such an incident will not occur in the future where we were forced to use such drastic steps. We will take preventive measures to keep the situation under control.
